Meet Our Company


PT NAWASENA BERSAMA ABADI (NBA), established on December 11 2021, was founded by Corps Alumni Bumiseram Makassar (CABM), which is a company engaged in marine services of Crewing Management Agency to provide the qualified and competent seafarers for the National and International Ship Owner and Shipping Companies.

NBA has extensive experience in the shipping and maritime industry, which is also part of the ship management system to ensure any operational cost-effectiveness and efficiency, NBA has a pool of dedicated qualified seafarers who are fully certified and updated, so that the NBA can become qualified and professional supplier of skilled and competent seafarers.

NBA is taking a personalized and proactive to provide professional seafarers and place them on various types of vessels and verify to ensure that they are compliant, capable, competent, with integrity according to ship owner/vessel operator requirement

NAWASENA BERSAMA ABADI (NBA), didirikan pada tanggal 11 Desember 2021, didirikan oleh Corps Alumni Bumiseram Makassar (CABM), yang merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa kelautan Badan Pengelola Awak Kapal untuk menyediakan pelaut yang berkualitas dan kompeten untuk Pemilik Kapal Nasional dan Internasional dan Perusahaan Pelayaran.

NBA memiliki pengalaman yang luas dalam industri perkapalan dan maritim, yang juga sebagai bagian dari sistem manajemen kapal untuk memastikan setiap efektivitas dan efisiensi biaya operasional,

NBA memiliki kumpulan pelaut berkualitas berdedikasi yang bersertifikat penuh  dan diperbarui, sehingga NBA dapat menjadi pemasok pelaut yang terampil dan kompeten yang berkualitas dan profesional.

NBA secara personal dan proaktif menyediakan pelaut profesional dan menempatkan  mereka di berbagai jenis kapal dan memverifikasi untuk memastikan  bahwa mereka patuh, mampu, kompeten, berintegritas sesuai persyaratan pemilik kapal / operator kapal

Our Core Value

crew competency

Training Program



Doing Business with Us

PT NAWASENA BERSAMA ABADI (NBA), established on December 11 2012, was founded by Corps Alumni Bumiseram Makassar (CABM), which is a company engaged in marine services of Crewing Management Agency to provide the qualified and competent seafarers for the National and International Ship Owner and Shipping Companies.

NBA has extensive experience in the shipping and maritime industry, which is also part of the ship management system to ensure any operational cost-effectiveness and efficiency, NBA has a pool of dedicated qualified seafarers who are fully certified and updated, so that the NBA can become qualified and professional supplier of skilled and competent seafarers.

NBA is taking a personalized and proactive to provide professional seafarers and place them on various types of vessels and verify to ensure that they are compliant, capable, competent, with integrity according to ship owner/vessel operator requirement

International Goals0%

Our Specialities



Circular Economy


Our Client

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